Apple Crumble Pie

Shhh! This apple crumble pie recipe is vegan, but you'd never guess it from the sweet apple filling and rich, cinnamon-spiced crumble topping.

This apple crumble pie recipe was the first pie that Jack and I made together. Even though we spent countless Thanksgivings together in Austin, we never baked pie. We’d either stay home and skip it, opting for a simple crumble or crisp instead, or we’d be head to a Friendsgiving, where someone else would supply the pie that year. But this year, we finally decided to take on the challenge! As Jack says, I have a “soft spot for soft apples,” so we knew that apple pie would be our pick. I also can’t get enough of baked fruit under…


A Friends Giving Menu

A non-traditional menu for Thanksgiving with friends (a.k.a Friendsgiving)

Thanksgiving is next week, which means this weekend is for Friendsgiving! What I love about Friendsgiving is that it’s more than ok to change up T-giving traditions – to keep the ones you like and ditch the ones you don’t (bye bye canned green bean casserole!). To celebrate, I’ve put together a menu of some of my personal favorite recipes that I think will be perfect for the occasion. But before we get there, we should always remember that you can’t have a “Friendsgiving” without “giving.” To that end, and to help bring more food to more people this holiday,…


Roasted Beets

Learn how to roast beets perfectly every time! My recipe is easy to make, and the roasted beets are always tender and flavorful. A delicious side dish!

This roasted beets recipe is one of my go-to side dishes in the fall and winter. It’s delicious—the beets come out perfectly tender with a concentrated sweet and earthy flavor. It’s also really easy to make. Just wrap the beets in foil with a drizzle of olive oil, and roast until soft! The roasted beets are wonderful on their own, seasoned simply with salt and pepper, or dressed up more with citrus juice, herbs, or balsamic vinegar. Serve them with any weeknight dinner, or add them to a holiday meal. These oven roasted beets keep well for days in the…


Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Stumped for healthy dinner ideas? Make stuffed sweet potatoes! These 4 stuffed sweet potato recipes are all easy, cozy, delicious, and fun!

For so many years, I didn’t think I liked sweet potatoes. It turns out, I LOVE sweet potatoes and I don’t like marshmallows (which is how they were always served to me growing up). These days, stuffed sweet potatoes are one of my go-to dinner solutions, especially for chilly nights when I’d rather stay inside than head out to dinner. They’re cozy, filling, and easy to make. Plus, the sweet potato acts as a canvas for whatever you’re craving. In the mood for Mexican? Stuff yours with black beans and cumin-spiced cabbage. Craving Greek food? Fill it with quinoa tabbouleh!…


Butternut Squash Casserole

This butternut squash casserole is a fresher take on classic bread stuffing. Roasted squash, leeks, and pearl onions fill it with texture and flavor.

This butternut squash casserole recipe is a veggie-fied version of my favorite Thanksgiving food: stuffing! I’d be excited to devour any plate of stuffing in the fall, but this butternut squash casserole is my favorite version yet. Creamy cubes of squash, purple onions, and dried cranberries add gorgeous color and delicious flavor to this classic autumn dish. I encourage you to make this butternut squash casserole for Thanksgiving, but if you’re anything like me, it might end up in your regular recipe rotation too. After a few rounds of testing and taking these photos, I’ve made it 5 times this…


Parsnip Puree

This parsnip puree is like the fluffiest mashed potatoes you can imagine. Thanks to the parsnips and roasted garlic, it's rich, nutty, and delicious.

This year, this parsnip puree is taking the place of the mashed potatoes at our Thanksgiving dinner. You might be thinking, “What?! That’s crazy!” You’re not alone. That’s what Jack thought too. He’s a big mashed potato purist. Last year’s cauliflower mashed potatoes were a stretch for him, so parsnip puree sans potatoes seemed pretty nuts. Well, good news! Both of us couldn’t stop eating the puree by the spoonful before it made it to the table. It’s rich and nutty, with an amazing light and fluffy texture. Mashed-potato-purist approved! Jack loved this recipe, and I think you will too.…


Butternut Squash Salad

This butternut squash salad is a must-try fall recipe! It's filled with spiced squash, pomegranates, goat cheese & a delicious cumin-date dressing.

Do you do Friendsgiving or Thanksgiving? Or both? We’re celebrating both this year, so I created this crowd-pleasing butternut squash salad recipe because I know both friends AND family members will love it. It’s the kind of salad that will convert anyone to being a salad lover, because it’s filled with spiced roasted butternut squash, pomegranates, goat cheese, and pistachios. It’s a roasty, spicy, creamy, tangy combo that Jack and I are pretty obsessed with. Butternut Squash Salad Recipe Ingredients This salad packs a huge punch of flavor, thanks to 6 essential components: Spiced roasted butternut squash. I toss the…


Vegan Broccoli Soup

You'd never guess that this creamy vegan broccoli soup is totally dairy-free! It's made of a rich, savory blend of potatoes, veggies, and herbs.

Drumroll, please! This vegan broccoli soup recipe is super creamy, comforting, and brimming with cheesy flavor. I started working on it after I posted a photo of this gorgeous pile of broccoli on Instagram with a call out for broccoli recipe requests. Overwhelmingly, people asked for a healthy/vegan broccoli cheese soup. Jack loves cheesy broccoli soup (and most cheesy things, to be honest), so we were both excited to take on the challenge. I’m happy to report that the results do not disappoint! This vegan broccoli soup recipe is not to be confused with cream of broccoli soup. I have…


Harvest Haven Salad & a trip to Madison

A seasonal fall harvest salad with greens, turnips, radishes, tomatoes, aged goat cheese in an apple cider vinaigrette. So pretty for Thanksgiving.

The other day, we were having dinner with the family and my mom said “so, do you want to host Thanksgiving this year?” My first instinct was – heck no, that sounds like a lot of work! Of course, what came out of my mouth was a noncommittal “ok, sure? I guess?” Later that night, as the idea settled in my mind, I thought of the beautiful fall harvest-y type dishes I could make and I started to get excited. I got warm and fuzzy feelings picturing my family gathered around the kitchen in our new home, drinking wine and…


Garlic Herb Mushroom Pasta

Making this flavorful mushroom pasta is a breeze - sauté mushrooms with a splash of wine & toss them with pasta, garlic, herbs & a little cashew cream.

This mushroom pasta was inspired by our recent trip to Parma, Italy. Mushrooms were in season in the area, and every restaurant we went to seemed to have a mushroom special. In addition to multiple mushroom pasta recipes, we tried mushroom soup, grilled mushrooms, and more. Jack and I happen to love mushrooms, so I was itching to make this mushroom-lovers spaghetti once we got home. Mushroom Pasta Recipe Ingredients This recipe, obviously, starts with the mushrooms. I used sliced cremini mushrooms, but by all means, mix in other varieties such as chanterelle mushrooms or oyster mushrooms if you want to get…


How to Make Matcha

When it comes to food “trends,” I’m usually so late to the game. Chia pudding, smoothie bowls, cauliflower smoothies… I didn’t see any of those foods coming and staying (to be honest the cauliflower smoothie thing still sounds a little gross to me). But matcha… I’ve been loving matcha before it was the cool thing to love. I can’t quite remember the first time I tried matcha. It’s been so long, but it might have been on a swirly soft serve cone in Kyoto. Matcha desserts and matcha lattes are all over the place now, but what I want to…

A food blog with fresh, zesty recipes.
Photograph of Jeanine Donofrio and Jack Mathews in their kitchen

Hello, we're Jeanine and Jack.

We love to eat, travel, cook, and eat some more! We create & photograph vegetarian recipes from our home in Chicago, while our shiba pups eat the kale stems that fall on the kitchen floor.