Gluten-free Almond Coconut Bars

gluten-free almond coconut bars gluten-free almond coconut bars

This recipe is from the hilarious new book Gluten is my Bitch: Rants, Recipes and Ridiculousness for the Gluten Free, by April Peveteaux.

If you’ve been recently diagnosed with Celiac disease and are feeling sorry for yourself, this is a must-read. If you’re like me and you deal with other food sensitivity issues, you’ll have a good laugh reading April’s stories because you totally “get it.” And because she is just so freaking funny.

My favorite part has to be the chapter about traveling as a gluten-free person. It’s called “Paris doesn’t have to suck, but it might.”

I had the pleasure of meeting April in person a few months ago. I hadn’t read the book yet, but we immediately joked about how the two of us should never go to Paris together. (As a vegetarian lactose intolerant person, I survived Paris almost solely on baguette).

It’s hard to talk about why a book is funny (especially since I am much less funny), so I thought I’d just share some of my favorite lines:

April, on air-travel:
“The fact is every time you get on an airplane you’d better pack snacks – whether you’re gluten-free or just like to eat food to live.”

on paris:
“Although the Italians are all over gluten-free pasta and bread, the whole UK area practically invented sprue, France is filled with a delicious gluten-plus attitude. Which means I absolutely had to get there, and fast”.

on getting “glutened” in paris:
“I came to Paris and wanted to act like I was just a normal, if not exceptionally cool, gal traveling around Europe by herself. I was NOT stoked to cultivate the image of the American lady with food issues.”

on traveling with her non-gluten-free husband:
“If you love that brioche so much why don’t you marry it?”

quote on the back cover of the book:
“Can someone please send me some freaking gluten?”
– Aaron, author’s husband

Recipe note: this one is technically in the “Paleo” section of the book, however I’m pretty sure I un-paleo-ed it by adding chocolate.

gluten-free almond coconut bars

  • 1 cup chopped almonds
  • ½ cup coconut flakes
  • ¼ cup almond butter
  • ¼ cup honey (vegan: sub agave syrup)
  • ¼ cup chocolate chips (optional)
  1. Preheat the oven to 400. Prepare a 6x6 inch pan (or equivalent size), with parchment paper. (don't forget the parchment like I did, they will stick)
  2. In a medium bowl, combine all of the ingredients together.
  3. Using another piece of parchment paper, flatten the mixture to evenly distribute.
  4. Bake for 15-20 minutes (check them around 12 minutes). Remove from oven and let cool for 20 minutes before slicing.

adapted from Gluten is my Bitch, by April Peveteaux, published by Abrams. Posted with permission.


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  1. jenn

    Just made these…they’re fantastic!!! Kind of fell apart a bit, but still taste great. Highly recommend.

  2. This bar recipe really looks amazing. To hold well when I make my bars, they really have to be cold. Sometimes kids can’t wait and it’s all crumbly.

  3. Chelsie

    Mine didn’t hold together very well as a bar, but these are so yummy I didn’t mind. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  4. I love funny foodie people, looks like I have another book to add to my ever-growing wish list of cook books. 🙂 These little bars look super tasty!

  5. Caitlin from

    i NEED this book 😉 and the bars are genius! no oats or other grain? whhhat???!

    • jeanine

      they are substantial, for sure… (which still didn’t stop me from eating the whole pan in a day) 🙂

  6. Ashley from

    Oh my word. Definitely will be ordering this book!!! Thanks for talking about it today and for sharing this insane looking recipe. 🙂

  7. Ah yes, navigating France while being gluten-free can be a challenge for sure. I have a feeling I’d get a kick out of that book.

  8. lucy from

    very very interesting.good photo

  9. How beautifully simple! This recipe is such a winner. That book sounds hysterical, too! Perfect for celiac awareness month!

  10. Hahahaha – I’m about to travel to Paris with my glutenous husband who ‘doesn’t eat croissants’ yet ordered one just the other day. Needless to say he’ll be eating a pain au chocolat for me whilst I indulge in cheese and wine heaven (It’ll be a great trip non?!) Love the sound of this book, a gal after my own heart.

    Also – SO baking this recipe on the weekend, so easy and I can smell it already!

    • jeanine

      If you’re going to Paris gluten-free, you NEED to read her chapter, (or check out her blog, she might have some extra info there too)… she mentions how to tell if a crepe is made from 100% buckwheat flour (vs. not), and talks about where exactly to find them (not the super touristy areas).

      She also talks about other hidden gluten in french food that you might not have thought about otherwise…

    • sara

      oooh shoot just got back from paris… this would have been a delightful book to read first! however, i recommend you check out helmut newcake and noglu in paris! we made it to helmut newcake and it was AWESOME! all gluten free pastries and treats – it eased the pain of my watching my husband eat multiple delectable pastries and croissants.

  11. Love how delicious and easy this recipe is! All of my favorite ingredients crammed into one!

  12. Tieghan from

    Loving these and this book! I need a copy!

    • jeanine

      I know, cracks me up 🙂 Just the sort of thing my husband would say…

  13. Yum! So many of my favorite things brought together…

  14. Firstly, these sound amazing, and secondly, thank you so much for introducing me to this book! It sounds exactly like the type of humour I appreciate. Might have to buy a few copies as birthday prezzies for my GF friends!

    • jeanine

      🙂 it would be such a great gift for your gf friends! so so funny…

A food blog with fresh, zesty recipes.
Photograph of Jeanine Donofrio and Jack Mathews in their kitchen

Hello, we're Jeanine and Jack.

We love to eat, travel, cook, and eat some more! We create & photograph vegetarian recipes from our home in Chicago, while our shiba pups eat the kale stems that fall on the kitchen floor.