Roasted Delicata Squash & Creamy Blue Cheese Sauce
Delicata is my favorite winter squash, and this tangy/funky vegetarian side shows why. The squash is sweet, meaty, and, best of all, requires no peeling!

Happy Saturday! I’m popping in today to share one more fall squash recipe that would make for a tasty Thanksgiving side dish (or a tasty any-dinner side dish if you don’t celebrate T-giving!). This one is a little bit different for me because I haven’t been a big fan of blue cheese. That is, until a few weeks ago, when Jack and I shared a squash dish with blue cheese at the Publican (here in Chicago) that I was completely enamored with. The pairing of sweet roasted squash with tangy cabbage, pops of sweet currants, and a base of a…