Chocolate Almond Breeze Smoothie

Rich & creamy chocolate smoothies made with banana and almond milk. Vegan and Gluten free.

Chocolate & Almond Smoothie //

Now that January is over and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, I think it’s time to trade in our kale drinks for rich & creamy chocolate-y treats. Because we’ve been good after-all… haven’t we? Something you might not expect that’s a fixture in our fridge is chocolate almond milk. Jack drinks a mocha with it every morning. And he occasionally makes us milk-less milkshakes (kindly accommodating for my my lactose intolerance). He doesn’t cook often but two of his designated tasks are: 1. Coffee Pour-er, and 2. Blender-man. This is his most recent blended treat… frozen bananas with chocolate almond milk and…


Chickpea & Saffron Stew

A smoky tomato soup made with spinach, chickpeas and spices. Vegan and gluten free.

Chickpea & Saffron Stew //

It’s good to be home. After a busy (and very social) week at Alt Summit, it was nice to come home and spend some quiet time over the stove. Unlike many of the recipes I make here, this one is an old friend. It’s my take on Espinacas con Garbanzos… and has been a favorite ever since our first trip to Barcelona. But the real thing it has going for it is that it’s largely a pantry meal. Because who feels like going to the store right after they get off the airplane? Not me, that’s for sure.  


Butternut Squash Croquettes

Butternut Squash Croquettes - these healthy baked veggie fritters are a delicious appetizer or snack.

Butternut Squash Croquettes //

I don’t have much of a weakness for fried foods. French fries don’t make me crazy, I never really cared for fried chicken… but whenever we’re on vacation, I find myself ordering little balls of fried stuff everywhere we turn. Cod croquettes in Japan, arancini in Italy, and all kinds mashed veggie fritters (with tangy yogurt sauces) in London. Since we’re currently not on vacation, these are baked, not fried… but I promise they’re so good that you likely won’t even notice. I mash creamy butternut squash with cumin and smoky paprika, mix in some tangy feta, and serve them…


Sesame & Orange Kale Salad

I’m a new believer to the raw kale salad movement. I know, I’m late to this party (especially given my love for kale). But better late than never. It was this salad from Snap Kitchen that convinced me a few weeks ago. Bright, tangy, citrusy… exactly what I’m craving during this part of the winter. I made an asian-inspired version by whisking together a dressing of miso paste, a few squeezes of orange juice and some sesame oil… and added in avocado, and toasted almonds, and pickled red onions. And speaking of late… I’ve gotta cut this short because I’m halfway…


Pasta with Roasted Cauliflower, Feta & Sun Dried Tomatoes

This roasted cauliflower pasta is a simple & healthy vegetarian weeknight dinner. Lemon, basil & sun-dried tomatoes give it irresistible pops of flavor!

This cauliflower pasta was my birthday dinner last week. My sister called while the pasta was cooking, and the message she left said, “I hope you’re out doing something special and not at home photographing your dinner.” Well, what can I say, I was obsessed with my cauliflower mission. Plus, it was a cold and rainy night, and this dinner felt warm and cozy. (Well, ok, it was warm when I reheated it after the photos were done… but still). I’m strange about holidays… I just think celebrations should be random. If I made a list of my favorite life…


Roasted Cauliflower & Leek Soup

This cauliflower leek soup is easy to make, but you'd never guess it from the taste - roasting & blending the veggies makes it flavorful & satisfying.

Roasted Cauliflower & Leek Soup //

Thank you all SO much for your ideas & suggestions of what to make with my giant cauliflower. You had so many creative ideas, and I just loved reading through them all. Last night, we curled up on the sofa with this creamy roasted cauliflower & leek soup. (Note: I used cashews for the cream part – if you’re nut-free, check out this creamy vegan cauliflower soup recipe.) This process might look subtle, but roasting the cauliflower, leeks & garlic brings out some pretty big flavors… and in a surprisingly little amount of time. The short version of this recipe is…


Chickpea Radicchio Wraps

Chickpea Radicchio Wraps - a healthy lunch or plant-based appetizer. These wraps are filled with chickpeas and drizzled with basil-oil. Vegan and Gluten Free.

Chickpea Radicchio Wraps /

I just can’t get enough of non-bread wrappy things lately, so I was very excited when this cute little radicchio head showed up in my vegetable delivery box last week. Not that there’s anything wrong with bread, (and I did eat cake for breakfast this morning), but I’m trying to eat a bit lighter overall. And I just love the crunch of these crisp radicchio leaves. Do you all get a CSA box? If you don’t, I highly recommend subscribing to one. I’m not going to lie, it can be a little overwhelming. You’ll ask “what the heck is kohlrabi…


Chocolate Cupcakes & Avocado Icing

These vegan chocolate cupcakes are a healthier dessert. The avocado icing is so rich and yummy you'll want to eat it by the spoonful!

Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes /

It’s my birthday and I baked myself a cake. Actually, cupcakes… and technically I baked them last night so I could make this little b-day post today. I’m thirty-four today (ouch, that hurts to type). It’s the age that you start to forget what age you are… the age when you realize how silly you were when you felt old at 28. And it’s the age that you have to start taking really good notes because you just can’t keep “it all” in your head anymore. They say avocados and chocolate are brain foods right? (I don’t know who says,…


Curried Sweet Potato Soup

Curried Sweet Potato Soup /

Thank you all so much for the sweet birthday wishes yesterday. I had a great day, although today is even better because the sun is shining for the first time in 3 days.. (I know, I’m so spoiled living where I do). Dreary weather just gets me so down… But it takes a few gloomy days to feel grateful for the gorgeous days… and if it weren’t for the occasional grey sky, I probably wouldn’t make as much soup as I do. We’ve been eating this one all week. It’s so hearty, warming and surprisingly easy. We’ve got just over…


Sesame Clementine & Cabbage Salad

Asian Clementine & Cabbage Salad /

I’ve gotten over a major food fear recently. It sounds weird to say, but I haven’t eaten oranges (or fruits from the orange family) for about a year and a half. I know, it’s about the weirdest aversion to have. People in general like oranges. And I did too, until I had a certain unfortunate food experience while on vacation in Morocco. Coming home, I figured I wouldn’t look at an orange for maybe a few months… then a year and a half went by and I still had no good reason to confront them. Last month I was invited…


Festive Endive Appetizers

Festive + light holiday appetizers that will leave you with room for dessert! Sesame tuna tartare + lemony white bean puree are delicious on endive leaves.

Endive Appetizers //

Endive… the perfect holiday party snack when it’s time to start laying off the bread already. As the holiday season comes to a close, I’m starting to crave foods that are lighter and brighter. I decided to make two of my favorite appetizers (that I love atop toasty crostini)… and serve in crispy endive leaves instead. The first is a super easy sesame tuna tartare. And because parties always need vegetarian options, the second is a lemony white bean puree. But let’s face it, my favorite thing about skipping the bread is that I can endlessly snack away and still…

A food blog with fresh, zesty recipes.
Photograph of Jeanine Donofrio and Jack Mathews in their kitchen

Hello, we're Jeanine and Jack.

We love to eat, travel, cook, and eat some more! We create & photograph vegetarian recipes from our home in Chicago, while our shiba pups eat the kale stems that fall on the kitchen floor.