Vegan French Toast

No eggs? No problem. This easy Vegan French Toast is delicious made with almond milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, maple, nutritional yeast, and a little flour.

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The first year Jack and I were together, he was working in Austin while I was finishing college in Chicago. He’d come visit me nearly once a month. It feels like such long time ago now (11 years, yikes)… many of those early memories are fuzzy, but a few stand out. Friday nights, I would take the blue line to the airport to “pick him up” and we’d ride back to the city together. I was always late, he was always mad (or madly in love, ha).  Saturday mornings, we would head to the Pick Me Up Cafe where he…


Chocolate Chip Carrot Cookies

Sneak some veggies into your chocolate chip cookies! These are the perfect mid-afternoon vegan treat.

chocolate chip carrot cookies

I’ve been baking a lot of chocolate chip cookies lately. I’m not sure what prompted the obsession, but what I’ve learned is that once you start a 3 o’ clock cookie habit, it’s hard to break. This particular day I had carrots, so I worked those into the mix. I quickly realized that grating carrots by hand was a tedious task, so I turned to the food processor. And instead of dirtying another bowl for my wet ingredients, I just mixed them straight in there. (My mom uses the same method for her carrot cakes). A couple of notes… these…


Lemony Chickpea Salad

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Today, I’m participating, in Food Bloggers Against Hunger. A movement organized by Nicole of The Giving Table, in response to the movie A Place at the Table. Today 200 food bloggers are sharing budget-friendly recipes to raise awareness about hunger in America. There is plenty of food in this country, yet most don’t realize (myself previously included) that 1 in 4 kids don’t know where their next meal will come from. One of the main points of the film is that hunger and obesity in this country go hand in hand. Ingredients that make up unhealthy processed foods (corn, soy,…


Edamame Hummus & Radish Crostini

Fresh spring toasts topped with zesty edamame hummus and lemony yogurt dip.

edamame hummus & yogurt radish crostini //

It’s been snack time around here lately. I don’t know if it’s because spring is in the air, or because our schedules have been irregular lately, but we seem to have traded regular meals for snacky meals. Here are two variations that we’ve recently called dinner… best served with wine and maybe a light soup or salad. The snacking continued with the leftovers. The next morning I baked a tortilla until crispy, and topped it with edamame hummus and a fried egg. (New discovery: the breakfast tostada). The rest of the yogurt sauce went on a salad with chopped veggies.…


Mushroom & Quinoa Lettuce Wraps

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Nutella one day, quinoa the next. This is what I call balance. Tasty balance. Last week, I had this huge head of red lettuce. After a few days of salads, I worked my way down to the small rounded leaves in the center. I thought they were just too cute to tear apart into another salad, so I thought… lettuce wraps. This could be a lovely spring appetizer, or a light meal for two. Especially if you’ve been over-indulging lately like we have been.


Ginger Citrus Soba & Snow Peas

ginger-citrus soba noodles /

I realize I posted soba noodles only a few weeks ago, but I’m back with more. This time, they’re stir fried in a sweet, tangy orange-ginger soy sauce with some crunchy snow peas and edamame. While that one was best served cold, this one is best piping hot. And aside from the tedious task of cleaning the snow peas, this comes together rather quickly.  


Cauliflower Puree with Chickpeas

When I'm craving an easy, cozy weeknight dinner, I make this cauliflower puree. I sprinkle it with capers, roasted chickpeas & fresh rosemary.

This cauliflower puree might just be my last cauliflower post of the season. I’m trying to remind myself that it’s still March and many of you have snow on the ground. Or at least slush. Which is hard for me to comprehend because it suddenly became July here this week. But last week, when it was a little bit cooler and cauliflower was still showing up at my door, we made this fancy little meal. Cauliflower, two ways… a light velvety puree, with roasted florets and chickpeas on top.


Brussels Sprout & Sunchoke Salad

What's your favorite sunchoke recipe? Do you have one? I love this caramelized sunchoke & Brussels sprout salad - a perfect light winter meal.

It’s hardly winter in Austin anymore, but I’m still trying to keep all of you snowbirds in mind. Enter: the winter sunchoke salad. This sunchoke recipe is full of warm, roasty goodness and brightened up with a tangy lemon dressing. Cooking with sunchokes Have you cooked with sunchokes? Do you have a sunchoke recipe to recommend? They’re new to me, but I just love them, so I was eager to develop a sunchoke recipe of my own. Sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem artichokes, have a potato-like quality. I like them both thinly sliced and roasted or sautéed with butter and…


Mushrooms & Wheatberries

mushroom & wheatberry sautee //

There aren’t enough mushrooms on this blog. I’m not sure how they became so under-represented here because we eat them like crazy. But I suppose I don’t make so many “recipes” with mushrooms, I just make them. So this one is kind of a non-recipe… something we eat pretty often, changing up the vinegars & herbs to create different variations. I’ve done my best below to estimate cups and tablespoons, but I really cooked in increments of “splashes” and “handfuls.” Ok, I quite commonly cook in splashes and handfuls. It drives my proofreader (my mom) crazy. Does it drive you…


Mini Ceviche Tacos

mini ceviche tacos, two ways (vegetarian & pesca)

I’m guest posting today on A House in the Hills (one of my favorite blogs), while Sarah is in Mexico this week. I know, I’m jealous too. To compensate for my vacation-envy, I made these bright little ceviche tacos and imagined myself on the beach soaking in the sun with a margarita in hand. Whitefish gets “cooked” with lots of lime juice. And for a fun twist I made a vegetarian version using chopped up hearts of palm that was equally, (if not more), delicious than it’s pesca counterpart. You could serve them with chips as an appetizer, or with tortillas as more…


Granola & Pomegranate Bowl

This is dessert for breakfast. Especially when you eat it with vanilla coconut yogurt like we did. And drink a mocha on the side. Sometimes a morning sugar rush is just what you need to welcome the day, right? And as if this wasn’t sweet enough already, Jack still had to ask “so… you’re not going to put chocolate chips in there?” Um, no. No, I’m not… (Although, I suppose you could if you wanted too).

A food blog with fresh, zesty recipes.
Photograph of Jeanine Donofrio and Jack Mathews in their kitchen

Hello, we're Jeanine and Jack.

We love to eat, travel, cook, and eat some more! We create & photograph vegetarian recipes from our home in Chicago, while our shiba pups eat the kale stems that fall on the kitchen floor.