Sandwiches: His & hers

Growing up, my mom packed my school lunch every single day. From the first grade to my first year in college (yes, really)… she would send me off with a well rounded meal. I can remember my first lunchbox – it had Strawberry Shortcake on the front and it was made of tin – inside, it contained a pb&j sandwich on wheat, cut-up fruit in a tiny orange tupperware container, and 3 cookies. I’ve never known what it’s like to be without lunch, (or any other meal for that matter). If ever I forgot my lunch, you’d better bet that…


Chickpea Miso Noodle Soup

Chickpea Miso Noodle Soup - a healing broth made from lemon and miso is perfect for cold season. Make this gluten free by using quinoa pasta. Vegan.

They say to feed a cold right? I don’t get sick very often, but this week I’ve been a little bit down for the count. It’s not the worse thing ever – it’s just lingering… and it’s also hungry. Lately, I’ve been craving foods that are hot, cold, and, well, salty (you know, so I can actually taste things). My scratchy throat and I were on Pinterest the other day and we were inspired by this soup and also this one. I read somewhere that garlic, lemon, and steam help to cure coughs and colds so this broth-y soup fit the bill. I didn’t want cheese to…


Creamy Mac and Cheese with Cauliflower

With cauliflower blended into its sauce, this cauliflower mac and cheese recipe is a lighter, but equally delicious, version of the classic comfort food.

Doesn’t this cauliflower mac and cheese look amazing? I made it with a bright orange cauliflower from Farmhouse Delivery in Austin. Its color reminded me so much of sharp cheddar cheese that I couldn’t resist using it in a cauliflower mac and cheese recipe. If you’re someone who craves creamy pasta in the winter, you have to try this cauliflower mac and cheese. Unlike many mac and cheese recipes, it doesn’t call for heavy cream, cream cheese, or even whole milk. Instead, I make the creamy sauce with blended, steamed cauliflower pieces, Dijon mustard, smoked paprika, garlic, shallot, and sherry vinegar. The…


Healthy Loaded Sweet Potatoes

I’ve never loved baked potatoes. I know… that’s hardly the way to begin a baked potato post. In my world (growing up), they came 2 ways: On our dinner table – plain with just a bit of margarine (sorry mom!)… and at the Yorktown Mall food court – those giant sour-cream-piled ones that seemed like a heart attack on a plate. (Which, by the way, were considered the “healthy” option because they were baked not fried! Gotta love the midwest in the 90’s). The kind that wasn’t an option? This kind… baked sweet potatoes stuffed with black beans, a little bit of…


Dried Chile Salsa

This has become my go-to winter salsa/sauce right now while tomatoes aren’t in season. I posted this the other day alongside black bean soup, but I wanted to elaborate and show the actual steps. I’d always been a bit intimidated by dried chiles, but I’ve come to realize that they’re actually very easy to work with… (mostly thanks to watching many episodes of Rick Bayless’s, Mexico One Plate at a Time). Rick made it look easy, and well, it is. So here goes: This isn’t the kind of “salsa” you necessarily want to dunk chips in… it’s not actually very spicy,…


Spicy Black Bean Soup

This easy 10-ingredient black bean soup recipe is one of our mainstays on cold nights. Warm & creamy, it's perfect with a sprinkle of fresh toppings.

What I love about Super Bowl week (and it’s not the game, of course – who’s even playing? and that’s football right?)… What I love is the amount of Mexican-ish comfort food that’s all over the internet. I haven’t been into a game since the Super Bowl shuffle, but suddenly I find myself craving spicy, chile-flavored foods with tons of avocado. This year, I’m sharing this easy vegan black bean soup recipe that I love to top with dried chile salsa and dollops of a creamy, tangy vegan sun cheese in place of traditional sour cream (recipe below). How to…


Vegan Coffee Cake Muffins

I’m heading to Chicago later this week and I’m trying to think warm thoughts… It’ll be all of 1 degree when I land… and, (brr), my skin just isn’t that thick anymore. These muffins are a variation of my absolute favorite childhood breakfast: my Grandma Kissel’s coffee cake. On cold snowy mornings, there was nothing better than waking up to smell of warm cinnamon-ey cake wafting through the house. Of course these are slightly healthier and also vegan – using almond milk instead of sour cream and coconut oil instead of butter. But this is cake after all, so whatever…


Peanut Butter Crispy Treats

I can’t even follow my own recipes. I set out to remake this pistachio goji granola in bar form (thanks to a reader suggestion). I thought it was a great idea, especially because I’ve been looking for healthy grab-and-go breakfast options for Jack to take to work. I realize this looks more like dessert than breakfast, but I had to come up with something more enticing than the pre-packaged Costco office bagels (he just informed me) he’s been consuming every morning. For the sake of our marriage, I’m not going to get started on why he eats these (how can…


Tomato, Chickpea & Coconut Soup

This is the perfect pantry soup. I’m even betting that most of you have these ingredients on hand already. We’re all about fresh eating around here, but there’s nothing wrong with opening up a few cans from time to time… especially in the middle of winter when you crave tomato soup and tomatoes are not in season. The soup is basically: 1 can of tomatoes, 1 can of chickpeas, and (part of) 1 can of coconut milk. The chickpeas thicken the soup and the coconut creates a creamy, velvety texture without adding real cream. For a lighter soup, you can…


Chili-Orange Veggie Bowl

I steam the veggies instead of roasting them in this easy bowl, and their clean flavors shine under a lightly spicy, tangy chili vinaigrette.

If you had asked me two weeks ago about the best way to cook (flavorful) veggies, my unwavering answer would have been: roast them. I’m a sucker for all things roasty, toasty, caramelized, slightly crisp and even a tad bit charred… the simple steamed veggie is just a bit, well, simple for me. That is, until now… Our oven went kaput a few weeks ago and I was forced to get a little creative. (Although, thank you Thermador for coming to the rescue!). My little oven haitus seemed miserable at first, but it’s in fact incidents like these that force me to think outside…


Moonshine Sweet Tea Cupcakes

It’s a good thing I didn’t start the new year off with healthy resolutions because the past few days have been all about cupcake making. (I have a hard life, I know). And I’m sorry to say that these aren’t low-sugar, low-carb, low-fat… although they are low in “shelf life” because they’re likely to disappear soon after you make them. Everything in moderation right? Remember this post about Moonshine Sweet Tea? Well it’s back, this time in cake form. These cupcakes are the perfect treat to cozy up with while you daydream about hot sunny days ahead. And – exciting news…

A food blog with fresh, zesty recipes.
Photograph of Jeanine Donofrio and Jack Mathews in their kitchen

Hello, we're Jeanine and Jack.

We love to eat, travel, cook, and eat some more! We create & photograph vegetarian recipes from our home in Chicago, while our shiba pups eat the kale stems that fall on the kitchen floor.