Homemade cold brew is easy to make yourself. Freeze it into convenient ice cubes that you can drop into your iced coffee or almond milk latte!
To say that we’re obsessed with cold brew coffee is an understatement. It’s the only coffee we drink at home now – the only reason we still own a coffee maker (which is now stored up on the highest shelf) is for when parents come to visit. I didn’t know it was possible to make cold brew yourself, but it’s more than possible, it’s easy.
I’ve been buying my cold brew by the bottle, but when I started seeing homemade versions all over the internet (here, here, here, here), I was intrigued. But let’s back up – what is cold brew coffee you ask? (if you’re not asking you can scroll down and skip this paragraph). It’s regular coffee beans (get a good quality kind) that you soak overnight and then strain instead of brewing it in a coffee maker. The benefits are that it’s less acidic than regular coffee, so it’s a little healthier and easier on the tummy. Plus, you can store it in the fridge and it’ll last almost a week.
I usually drink mine Americano style, and Jack drinks his with chocolate almond milk. Today we’re meeting in the (lightly sweet) middle with iced almond milk lattes made with homemade cold brew iced cubes… because no one wants a watery coffee drink once the ice melts.
Store these ice cubes all summer long – pop a few out as you like and just add Almond Breeze! Adjust the strength of your coffee drink by the number of ice cubes you use. Your iced latte will be ready quicker than your local barista can spell your name wrong on a paper cup.
almond milk cold brew coffee latte
- ⅔ cup good quality coffee beans (or buy them pre-ground).
- 3 cups filtered water
- Almond Breeze Almondmilk Original (about 1 cup per latte)
- Grind your coffee beans in a coffee grinder, or start with pre-ground coffee.
- In a large pitcher stir the ground coffee and water together. Cover and chill overnight in the refrigerator. (12-24 hours).
- Use a nut milk bag or cheese cloth (doubled up), to strain the coffee from the grinds. Strain twice if you need to.
- Pour into ice cube trays (this will fill about 2) and freeze. Make lattes by mixing the coffee ice cubes with almond milk. For a stronger latte, use more ice cubes, for a lighter one, use less.

recipe adapted from the sources listed above
I would die without my daily iced coffee. I brew mine in a French press, makes the straining much easier. It’s good with a little chai and milk too.
Coffee ice cubes are the best! Once you have a nice cold iced coffee on a hot day with coffee ice cubes that don’t dilute your brew, there’s no going back.
I definitely need to try this!! Iced coffee and almond milk, my favorite things!
I like the ice cube storage idea. I think I’ll try freezing tea for lattes, too.
Thanks for the great info. I’ve been curious about cold brew coffee. You said you like it Americano style. I like Americanos. Could you explain how you make it with the cold brew? Do you drink it cold?
This sounds delicious. Do you hot water and cold water?
you can use cold or room temp water, it doesn’t have to be hot.
I love adding ground cinnamon and cardamon for making spiced coffee.
Trying this using my french press. Freezing it into ice cubes is brilliant!!!
I also love to make my own almond milk using raw organic almonds. So easy. So yummy. How much fun can one have !?! THANK YOU!!!
Oh, freezing your cold brew is such a good idea! I’m going to have to give this one a try. Delicious!
What would be the of amount pre-ground coffee?
just shy of the amount listed for coffee (a little less than 2/3 cup).
I love how simple this recipe is! Like you I’ve been buying cold-brewed coffee where I see it but I’ve only made it once. But I love the idea of freezing it into ice cubes! 🙂
What a great idea! Will definitely try! Do you still get the same kind of pep from the caffeine?? 🙂
yes, it’s more concentrated, although your kick will depend on how many coffee ice cubes you use per drink (how much you dilute it).
Sounds so yum! I have yet to try cold brew from home, but seeing how easy this is, I might just have to make a batch tonight!
I have never had very good luck with cold brewing, sadly. Even when I used good beans and let them soak overnight, the flavor came out flat and too acidic. Is it possible that I soaked the beans for *too* long?
I don’t think you soaked the beans too long. You have to make sure to get a very good coffee and grind it coarse. A good Papua New Guinea or Guatemalan Antigua, or even a light roast Colombian (all of these fresh roasted) is excellent to use for cold brew.
Nancy S.
Yes, it can be brewed too long.
Try a shorter soak and see how it goes.
I’ve a friend that likes hers to brew precisely 8hrs.
We let ours go for 12 to 14 hours. Forgot once and left it for 17 hours and we didn’t like it.
Totally craving some cold brew now; these photos are gorgeous! Trying this soon 🙂
Thanks for explaining cold brew! I’ve never investigated it further but I have been wondering why it tastes so good! Thanks for the inspiration, I can’t wait to try this and save myself time by making only every few days! – Charlie, http://www.lemonbutterlove.com
I have used a Toddy Maker for years and years to make cold brew. I actually own three of them. I like to have customers try my cold brew in different types of coffee that I roast, so it’s always a treat. Love the ice cubes, too, and Chocolate Almond Silk Milk is the best!
Nancy S.
Where do you buy cold brewed coffee by the bottle?
I like Chameleon Cold Brew (it’s a local Austin brand), and I get it at Whole Foods… I’ve seen so many other brands pop up at so many places…
I make cold-brew all the time for my husband. He loves it! I hate the straining part, so I use this pitcher (http://www.amazon.com/Takeya-Flash-Chill%C2%AE-Quarts-Avocado/dp/B00921MFKG/ref=pd_sim_79_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=17NYKVRAH21QYCG3Y2FZ) from Amazon. Makes my life so much easier and because the clean-up is easy, I don’t mind throwing it together for him whenever he feels like iced coffee at home. Love the idea of making it into ice cubes!
How do you use this pitcher to make the cold brew?
Hi L. I fill the mesh infuser portion of the pitcher with freshly ground coffee and I fill the pitcher with filtered water. The mesh infuser, which attaches to the lid, goes into the pitcher and I let the brew steep for about 24 hours before removing the mesh infuser from the lid and refrigerating the cold brew. The amount of ground coffee you use will depend on the coffee/water ratio you are seeking to achieve.
In summer I craaaaave cold brew!! This latte looks so tasty!
I love a cold brew – this looks so delicious. I can’t wait to try it with the coffee ice cubes. Great idea!
Yessss! We are all about cold brewing using this method too. THE best! I love the idea of making them into ice cubes though – we definitely need to try this.